We were thrilled to hear that we have been successful in our application to the National Lottery’s ‘Reaching Communities’ fund.
And the winner is …
We were very excited when, back in July, we heard that Peter Harrison from Norwich had nominated us in the Best Health Charity category for The Sun’s Who Cares Wins Awards.
Recognising Dr Peter Carter OBE and 75 Years of the NHS
We couldn’t be prouder of our trustee and previous CEO of the Royal College of Nursing, Dr. Peter Carter OBE as he was recognised for making an outstanding impact for the NHS.
Planning for the dreaded ‘D’ Word
Most of us tend to avoid using the words death, dying or died and use phrases like ‘they passed away’ or ‘they’re no longer with us’ and many other euphemisms when we have to discuss it.
Self-care when someone close to you is dying
Caring for someone you love at the end of their life is never easy. How should you best support them? What should you say to them? Is the rest of the family coping?
BBC features the Butterfly Volunteers during Dying Matters Week
Butterfly Volunteers are a vital part of the hospital’s work. They provide comfort and companionship to patients and their families during the final days of life.
The most important conversation you can have
We always think we have time, but sadly this isn’t always true. As well as you know your loved ones, do you honestly know their wishes when it comes to the send-off they want?
Happy Birthday Mum!
It’s been 12 years since mum died, in circumstances that prompted me to set up the Anne Robson Trust. I hope she would be proud of all we have achieved in the whirlwind four years since we launched the charity.
Is writing a will on your ‘to-do’ list?
John from A R K Lasting Powers & Wills shares his top five reasons to make a Will today. A R K will donate 10% of Will fees paid by Anne Robson Trust supporters to our charity’s work.
How to talk to a dying friend
Over the weekend I was scrolling through Twitter and came across this beautiful post from our friend, eminent Palliative Care Consultant and bestselling Author, Dr Kathryn Mannix.
We are so sad to hear that our friend and Patron Bill Turnbull has died
Bill faced his illness with courage and humour and was so generous in his support for our work. He was an inspiration to us all and will be greatly missed.
What can hospitals offer families of patients who are dying?
We had an enquiry recently from a hospital asking if we could share ideas for supporting families of patients who are nearing the end of their life.