Company support

We welcome the support of businesses who share our belief that no one deserves to die alone.

Why support us?

The generosity of supporters like you is key to our work supporting people at the end of their life – we receive no government funding. We are a small charity, so your support will make a real difference to people who are dying and those caring for them.

How can your company support us?

Office fundraising

Gaming competitions, bake sales and sponsored events. Stage a competition between teams or branches to raise the stakes.

Challenge events

From skydives to running and cycling. Click here to view upcoming events.

Sales fundraising

Donate a % of income from your products or services. Customers love businesses that support causes important to them.

Staff incentives

Offer to match any funds that staff members raise or encourage staff to donate through Payroll Giving.

What we can offer you:

  • Dedicated support from our fundraising team – however you choose to get involved.
  • Support for any staff members who receive a terminal diagnosis, or are caring for a family member with one.
  • Support for your HR team – add our telephone support service to their toolkit.
  • Workshops for staff exploring issues such as what to expect when someone is dying, anticipatory grief, and practical advice on planning and preparation.

Contact us to talk about working together, or get some fundraising ideas here.

“When Barclays staff took part in a sponsored skydive, the team at Anne Robson Trust gave us their full support from start to finish. They helped us organise the event and showed how the funds we raised would make a real difference. They were an absolute pleasure to work with and it was so rewarding to be a part of their fundraising”.

Adam, Business Development Manager at Barclays Bank

Our company supporters

We are grateful to all the businesses who have helped us to make a difference recently