Latest news from the Anne Robson Trust

Anne Robson Trust CEO collects MBE at Buckingham Palace
Our Founder and CEO, Liz Pryor was awarded the Member of the British Empire Medal (MBE), for services to end-of-life care.

Dying is not as bad as you think
In our humble opinion this short video “Dying Is Not As Bad As You Think,” by Dr Kathryn Mannix is 4 minutes of footage that every person should watch.

10,000 visits by ‘end of life’ volunteers!
As volunteer visits reach an incredible milestone, CEO and Founder, Liz Pryor says what this means to the Trust…

Loneliness in the last days of life
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2022, our founder and CEO Liz Pryor explores this year’s theme of loneliness and how it can effect the end of a person’s life…

Is hearing the last sense to go?
Ambassador, Jo Corscaden has enjoyed a long career in nursing, midwifery, and end of life care, she believes that hearing is the last of our senses to go before we die.

Starting a conversation about dying is often not as hard as you think…
Claire Henry, MBE, our Patron and Visiting Researcher for the Palliative and End of Life Care Study Group University of Cambridge, shared her thoughts on this important topic.