Latest news from the Anne Robson Trust

Happy Birthday Mum!
Born on 5th December 1930, My mum, Anne Robson, would have been 92 today. It is 12 years since she died, in circumstances that prompted

Is writing a will on your ‘to-do’ list?
John from A R K Lasting Powers & Wills shares his top five reasons to make a Will today. A R K will donate 10%

How to talk to a dying friend
“Over the weekend I was scrolling through Twitter and came across this beautiful post from our friend, eminent Palliative Care Consultant and bestselling Author, Dr

We are so sad to hear that our friend and Patron Bill Turnbull has died
Bill faced his illness with courage and humour and was so generous in his support for our work. He was an inspiration to us all

What can hospitals offer families of patients who are dying?
We had an enquiry recently from a hospital we are about to start working with – asking if we could share all the different ideas

Anne Robson Trust CEO collects MBE at Buckingham Palace
Our Founder and CEO, Liz Pryor was awarded the Member of the British Empire Medal (MBE) at an Investiture Ceremony on Thursday 7th July, for