How we can support you
If you or someone close to you is dying, we’re here to help.
Call Us
Call us on 0808 801 0688 and leave a message including your phone number and email address and a member of our team will reply by the next working day
Email Us
Email us at and a member of our team will reply by the next working day
Visit Us
Visit us at one of our Community Hubs to have a cup of tea and a chat with member of our team, and meet others who understand what you are going through.
Why contact us?
We understand that facing the end of your life can leave you feeling isolated, frightened and alone. Our experienced team are here to listen and support you. We’re here for you, whether:
- You’re the person who is dying, or their family member, friend or colleague.
- We meet you in the last months, weeks or days of life.
- You’re facing the end of life at home or in a hospital, care home or hospice.
Talking can help.
It is often hard to process the emotions experienced in the months, weeks and days before someone dies. Having somewhere to turn to and someone to talk to can help. Contact us now, we are here to listen, and support you.

Come and visit us:
Come along to one of our Community Hubs – have a cup of tea and a chat with a member of our team, and meet others who understand what you’re going through.
Community Hubs are currently running at:
- Springfield House Community Centre, Stevenage Old Town, Hertfordshire from 2pm – 4pm
- Wednesday 16th, 23rd and 30th of November and Wednesday 7th & 14th December
- Wednesday 21st & Wednesday 28th – Closed for Christmas Break
- Dates for groups at this venue for 2023 will be posted soon.
Answering your questions about how we can help
We will contact you to have a chat, and will then put you in touch with a member of our team who can provide the support you need – whether that’s a one off call, a touch base call every now and then, or a more structured series of calls at a time to suit you. We will never share your details with other organisations.
Calling us is completely free from all UK landlines and mobiles.
People call for a variety of reasons.
You may wish to talk about your own feelings and concerns about someone who is dying, or you may have received a devastating terminal diagnosis.
We are here to listen, to let you talk and offload, and help you explore ways to adapt and cope with your situation.
We can also signpost you to other organisations that might be able to provide other types of support you may find helpful.
Things our callers often want to talk about include:
- Emotions they’re experiencing, such as feeling scared or alone.
- What they can do when they can’t visit a loved one in hospital.
- Physical effects they’re experiencing, like sleeplessness or lack of appetite.
- How they’re managing day-to-day and their relationships with other people.
- What matters most at the end of life – what are things to think about?
Thinking about our immortality, talking about death, losing a relative or a close friend, and the emotions this can bring can be tiring.
There isn’t a time limit on our calls. You can tell us how often you’d like a call, and we will work from one call to the next to ensure you feel supported.
Information for Healthcare Professionals
We accept referrals from GP’s, District Nurses and Community Palliative Care Teams, social prescribers, carers organisations and many other healthcare professionals.
The referral process is fast and efficient, and could save you and your organisation time, as we can answer the patients / carers non-clinical concerns, and provide ongoing support for them.
Please email to request a referral form, and find out more.
Caring for a loved one at the end of their life can often feel lonely and isolating.
The Anne Robson Trust’s support service gives people that compassionate ear and support that can make a real difference at this difficult time in their life.
Claire Henry MBE, Visiting Researcher, Palliative and End of Life Care Study Group, University of Cambridge- Developer

Do you want to make a big difference?
- Would you like to help us support more people?
- Maybe you’re interested in running a Community Hub locally to you?
- Get in touch by emailing and we can have a chat!