Our Trustees and Patrons

Bob Cotton
Bob Cotton has an extensive career in digital technology in a number of consulting and client facing roles, both in the UK and internationally.
He has led several businesses and operational teams, delivering a number of large change management projects.
Throughout his career, Bob has always had a passion to help people achieve better outcomes for themselves and their stakeholders.
Combining this passion with his personal experience of supporting family members at the end of life, he is excited and proud to be part of the Anne Robson Trust and have the opportunity to make a positive difference.

Andrew Adie
Since qualifying as a chartered accountant, Andrew has led various finance teams in the sports and leisure industry, largely in the world of professional football.
In 2018, he joined the not-for-profit sector, passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and currently works for a medium-sized national charity as Director of Finance and Corporate Services.
Determined to help others, Andrew is both delighted and honoured to be part of the board of Trustees as Treasurer of the Anne Robson Trust to help support those at the end of their lives.

Tanya Cotter
Tanya is passionate about making a difference and over the past 15 years has developed, implemented, and managed a wide variety of charitable activities within the logistics industry, helping communities through colleague volunteering, fundraising, or donating goods.
Tanya became an End of Life Volunteer in 2018, so has first-hand experience of supporting patients and their families at Princess Alexandra Hospital and knows the importance of providing extra comfort and companionship during such difficult times.
Her skillset also includes governance, internal communications and engagement, and project management. Tanya is pleased to have the opportunity to be able to put her skills to effective use helping with the Trust’s future growth and strategic plans.

David Bain
David Bain is the Chair of BMB Advertising and proud to be a Trustee with a focus on marketing for the Anne Robson Trust. He has had a long and successful career leading creative agencies and developing advertising for some of the world’s greatest brands, including many in the charitable sector.
Throughout his career, David has tried to bring clarity, levity, and common sense to brand and business problems and has mentored and encouraged a string of advertising luminaries in the process.
David cares passionately about changing attitudes and behaviours around death and the dying. He aims to bring big brand thinking to increase visibility and understanding of the Anne Robson Trust and to help the organisation make an ever-bigger difference.

Helene Williams
Helene started her career as an IT Project Manager, in the supply chain implementing software in Europe.
In 2016, she joined the non-profit sector, wanting to make a difference and worked in a small charity supporting young people with learning disabilities. She is now Philanthropy Manager at King’s College London primarily supporting the Faculty of Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, raising money for research, infrastructure and students’ scholarships.
Helene is delighted to be part of the Board of Trustees for the Anne Robson Trust to help and support others and work towards ensuring no one dies alone with a focus on Fundraising.

Giuseppe Labriola
Giuseppe is dual trained as a registered nurse and registered midwife and is the interim chief nurse at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust where he is responsible for the leadership of nurses, midwives and allied health professionals which collectively make up the largest workforce. He has had senior leadership roles throughout London and Lincolnshire; and was chair of the Royal College of Midwives for six years. Giuseppe joined The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust in 2021 as the Trust’s first Director of Midwifery and in 2023 was promoted to Deputy Chief Nurse.
Giuseppe is passionate about co-producing and improving services with patients and staff. He has a track record of working with organisations and leading them on an improvement journey. Giuseppe has personal experience of caring and being present with family members, at the end of their life and is delighted to join the Anne Robson Trust as a Trustee to contribute more widely towards better care for patients, their support people, carers and their families.
In 2019, Giuseppe became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Professor Nancy Fontaine
Professor Nancy Fontaine was appointed as Chief Nurse at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in August 2018 and until April 2024 was responsible for leadership of nurses, midwives, AHPs, Pharmacists and Bio-Scientists across the Trust.
As Director for Infection Prevention and Control and Executive lead for Quality, Safety, Patient Experience and Engagement, Nancy was responsible for guiding the board on clinical priorities.
From 2012 – July 2018 Nancy was Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Executive at Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust in Harlow. Nancy was appointed as one of the country’s first Consultant Nurses in Emergency Medicine in 1999 and was latterly Chief Nurse at Whipps Cross Hospital leading the organisation into the Barts Health merger, where she was also appointed Deputy Chief Nurse before her move to Harlow.
Nancy was appointed as the Chief Nurse and Board lead for Quality and Safety and the Director for Infection Prevention and Control at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust in November 2012; in January 2015 Nancy was appointed as Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director for Organisational Development.
Nancy was awarded the position of Professor of Nursing at both Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Essex with a focus on enhancing research and innovation at the bedside for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health, in order to improve patient outcomes. She is the Chair of Nursing Research Unit at Anglia Ruskin University and is a driver nationally for promoting doctoral development and research for nursing, midwifery and allied health.

Sarah Free
Through my own personal losses, I have witnessed good and bad deaths which subsequently led me to become a volunteer in my local hospice. I have sat, laughed and cried with end of life patients, held or massaged their hands, fed them, read to them, listened to them or just sat in silent company with them. I passionately believe that such voluntary support should be available everywhere and to all, and am committed to bring what experience I can to deliver this in the name of Anne Robson. I lost my first child at birth but am blessed with a young adult daughter and outside of my former career as a Parliamentary PA I am privileged to be able to volunteer as an ambassador and fundraiser for charities close to my heart.

Andrew Robson
Andrew is Anne Robson’s son and Liz Pryor’s brother.
For many years Andrew ran his own business marketing overseas resort development properties into the UK. Then, in 2009 he was invited to move to Jumby Bay Island in Antigua to handle their property sales which was a tremendous opportunity and a huge privilege.
He has recently moved his family back to the UK and, although Andrew still makes frequent visits to the Caribbean, they are now living in rural Suffolk.
He and his siblings are extremely proud of everything Liz and the team have achieved having been inspired by their Mums terribly sad experience and, now that he is back, he is keen to help wherever possible.

Dr. Peter Carter OBE
Dr. Peter Carter was CEO of the Royal College of Nursing from January 2007 until August 2015. Prior to that he was CEO of the Central and North West London NHS FT for 12 years. Peter is a registered mental health and general nurse.
He has written articles and papers on health care policy and has appeared many times on TV and given interviews on radio and to newspapers. He has twice been interviewed on the BBC programme Hardtalk and served on the Prime Ministers Commission for Nursing. He was a member of the committee that produced the policy on non medical prescribing which heralded in the development of nurse prescribing.
He has a Masters Degree and PhD from the University of Birmingham and is a visiting Professor at Anglia Ruskin, Kings College and Christchurch Universities. He was interim Chairman of Medway NHS Foundation Trust from November 2016 to March 2017. He was Honorary Colonel of 203 Field hospital for seven years and went to Afghanistan and Iraq to visit Defence Medical Personnel who were on deployment.
He now works as an independent management consultant.

Claire Henry MBE
Claire Henry is an independent consultant working in the Palliative Care and End of Life field. Her previous roles include Director of Improvement and Transformation at Hospice UK, National Director for End of Life Care and Chief Executive of the National Council for Palliative Care.
Claire’s background is in nursing; she worked predominately in cancer and palliative care. She was awarded an MBE for her services to improving end-of-life care in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2013. Claire has also received a lifetime achievement award from the International Journal of Palliative Nursing Award.

Fiona McKenzie
Fiona has three long-term health conditions and this has meant multiple hospital stays.
She has experienced the vulnerability and loneliness of being in a hospital and this is all the more heart breaking at the end of life. She uses her experiences to help healthcare organisations deliver better care for patients, carers and families.
Fiona has held board-level advisory positions in the NHS and academia for almost 10 years. Fiona grew up in New Zealand and now lives in Roehampton with her husband Tim.