Liz Pryor on the Goodness Gracious Grief Podcast

Kady Eliza Braine started up the Goodness Gracious Grief podcast following the unexpected death of her father. Kady recently spoke to Anne Robson Trust founder Liz Pryor about the awarding of her MBE and journey to launching the Anne Robson Trust.
You can listen to the podcast on the player or any of the links below:
We were very excited when, back in July, we heard that Peter Harrison from Norwich had nominated us in the Best Health Charity category for The Sun’s Who Cares Wins Awards.
We couldn’t be prouder of our trustee and previous CEO of the Royal College of Nursing, Dr. Peter Carter OBE as he was recognised for making an outstanding impact for the NHS.
Most of us tend to avoid using the words death, dying or died and use phrases like ‘they passed away’ or ‘they’re no longer with us’ and many other euphemisms when we have to discuss it.