How We Are Funded
How the Trust is funded
What your support means to us and the difference it makes to people at the end of life.
Our work is entirely funded by individual donations. We rely on people like you to keep our services running for the people that need our help.

Individual Fundraisers
Whether you want to set up a monthly £5 donation (the cost of a takeaway coffee and croissant once a month for example), you want to bake some cupcakes for your friends, or you’re looking for a personal challenge like running a marathon, or taking part in an iron man competition (some people do!!) your support will make a lasting difference to people who are facing the end of their life. Many of these people have no one to support them.Corporate Sponsorship
We are always on the lookout for like-minded businesses who are keen to raise money for a good cause. For more information on how your company/organisation can get involved please contact us.Making a donation is easy!
To support us with a one-off donation, or set up a recurring one, visit our donate page.When you make a donation
You give us amazing support. In return we promise to do the right thing.
You are part of a large group of people who are helping us make a difference to hospital patients in the last days of their life.
Almost everything we do relies on donations. We would not be here without supporters like you.
So, you have the right to know you can trust us to be fair, honest and treat you with respect.
When you give to the Anne Robson Trust, we give you our word that your money will help make sure that no one dies alone.

Our Fundraising Code of Practice
You can expect:
- To count on us to use your donations to help people who are dying in hospital
- We will not put you under pressure to give more or more frequently than you want
- You can choose how we contact you and change this at any time
- We will be clear about who we are and what we do
- We will be transparent about our fundraising costs
- Your personal details will be safe and secure
- If you tell us something is wrong, we will put it right if we can
- We will let you know the difference you are making, and keep you updated about our work
We promise:
- We will make sure our fundraising is legal and follows best practice
- We will be transparent, honest and open
- We will always work with the Fundraising Regulator Code of Fundraising Practice as our minimum standard and go beyond it where we can
- We will make our annual accounts easy to understand
- We will keep you details safe and never swap or sell them
- We will use details in the way you have agreed to and only tell you about things you may be interested in
- If things do go wrong, we will let you know if it affects you, and we will listen, act and learn
- We’ll tell you how your donations are helping support others