What your support means to us and the difference it makes to people at the end of life.
Our work is entirely funded by individual donations. We rely on people like you to keep our services running for the people that need our help.
You give us amazing support. In return we promise to do the right thing.
You are part of a large group of people who are helping us make a difference to hospital patients in the last days of their life.
Almost everything we do relies on donations. We would not be here without supporters like you.
So, you have the right to know you can trust us to be fair, honest and treat you with respect.
When you give to the Anne Robson Trust, we give you our word that your money will help make sure that no one dies alone.
You can expect:
We promise:
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©️ 2024 Anne Robson Trust. Registered charity: 1178352.
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