Our work with healthcare organisations

We work with NHS Hospitals, Community NHS Trusts and Hospices to help them set up teams of specialist volunteers who support dying patients, and those close to them.

Would your nursing and healthcare staff be relieved to know that there was a team of specialist volunteers available to offer companionship and comfort to a dying patient, if they themselves are unable to spend time with the patient as they would wish?

Tap into our experience and expertise. Why reinvent the wheel?

We’re here to help

Our service:

How does it work?

We work with a tried and tested model, already up and running in healthcare organisations across the country (see below).

We work with you throughout the planning process to supporting your team once the service is up and running. We help you design and deliver the best ‘end of life’ volunteer project for your organisation.

How can you access our support?

Find out how we can help you set up a team of specialist volunteers by contacting us today.

Download our ‘Starting a specialist volunteer project’ leaflet.

We have seen the need for volunteers to support patients and families at the end of life for many years. We are delighted to have partnered with The Anne Robson Trust to create the Butterfly Companions team. This service provides compassionate, sensitive and loving support with a great team of carefully selected volunteers. They really improve end of life experience at RCHT and long may they continue their excellent work.
Specialist Palliative & End of Life Team
Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust

How does it work?

"Meeting the holistic needs of our patients at end of life is of paramount importance to us and working alongside the Anne Robson Trust gave us the opportunity to design and deliver a professional bespoke end of life volunteer programme which has been able to support many thousands of visits to patients and their families to date.”
Sally Dyson, Voluntary Services Manager
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

NHS Hospital Trusts

Community NHS Trusts and Hospices