15 years on, remembering Anne Robson
Today marks 15 years since my mother, Anne Robson, sadly died after a week’s stay in hospital following a fall. It’s hard to believe how quickly time has passed, but every day without her reminds me of the incredible impact she had on our lives.
The Role of Faith and Religion in End of Life Care
The 8th May 2024 will be the UK’s first Advance Care Plan Day. This year’s theme is ‘Getting your House in Order’ – which is built on a foundation of ‘What Matters Most’ to you.
Jason’s why…
I joined the Anne Robson Trust because good support at the end of life is a cause I believe in, and the solution is simple but so often lacking. A few years ago, I heard that a close friend’s newborn baby had multiple issues and was unlikely to survive. I felt underequipped to help them. […]