Lynn Green

Lynn’s career has primarily been with either charities or within the health sector; supporting organisations and volunteers making a difference to patients, people with disabilities and those who care for them.

Lynn is passionate about the impact volunteering can make to other people’s lives and hashad the honour of working with many 100’s of wonderful volunteers who have supported people with sight loss, cancer, MS and other conditions or situations which rob people of a voice or prevents them accessing the care they need and are indeed entitled to.

Previously, Lynn has set up a Butterfly End of Life project at Northwick Park Hospital where she saw first-hand the impact a friendly, capable, well-trained team of volunteers can make to people at a most critical point in their life’s journey.

Lynn lives in Hertfordshire, where she has been a Trustee for Watford Mencap for many years and has 3 children, 4 grandchildren and a gorgeous energetic Wire-Haired Visla called Alba.

Lynn Green

Project Manager (Community)

Group 3