We want to tell you about our first-ever Christmas Appeal!

On Monday November 1st, The Anne Robson Trust will officially launch our first-ever Christmas Appeal, #TimeToTalk, to spread awareness about our free national helpline service which offers vital support to anyone nearing the end of their life, their family, carers, friends or colleagues.

Calls are free and confidential: 0808 801 0688

Lines are open between 12noon and 6pm every weekday

Since the helpline service launched in March 2021, calls to the freephone number have tripled.

Helpline image

From November 1st, we are encouraging people to get behind our #TimeToTalk Christmas Appeal. Here are some simple ways you can help support:

  • Spread the word on social media using the hashtags #TimeToTalk and don’t forget to tag us in @annerobsontrust.
  • Download our brand new appeal poster here and put it on display in your local community, office, child’s school and even a front window of your home.
  • Invite friends, family, and colleagues, to host a fundraiser during the week, perhaps a coffee morning (in person or online), a cake sale, or a dress down day at work or your child’s school where everyone can wear an item of purple. Don’t forget to download the official appeal poster!
  • Encourage loved ones to ‘Donate to our #TimeToTalk Christmas Appeal’ via our website here
  • Invite friends to share their story with us. We’re always looking for people to share their stories and experiences of how ART has helped them. Simply click through to our easy-to-use online form here
  • Contact us for a Marketing Pack – everything you need to help promote the Christmas Appeal. Simply email: info@annerobsontrust.org.uk

We believe no one deserves to die alone. It’s #TimeToTalk.