To mark national Volunteers Week this year, we thought we’d shine the spotlight on the wonderful volunteers who support dying patients in our partner hospitals. Being an end of life volunteer requires the skills of a special person; a person that is good listener who is both kind and empathetic.
We asked some of the volunteers to share an insight into how they start a conversation at a patient’s bedside. Here’s what they had to say…
Every situation is so different, but I find that these words can reassure a patient…
Asking the patient a few simple questions and offering a cuppa always helps…
Doing your research and knowing details about the person that you’re visiting makes all the difference…
Here at the Anne Robson Trust, we believe that no one deserves to die alone. One of the services we offer is to help hospitals to recruit staff and train teams of specialist volunteers. These volunteers provide comfort and companionship to patients in the last days and hours of their life, and support to the patient’s family and friends.
Volunteers Week, 1st – 7th June, is our chance to say a big THANK YOU to all the amazing volunteers out there – whether you volunteer for one of our partner hospitals, or for us on our Helpline – we salute you!
You can find out more about what it takes to be a hospital end of life volunteer here .
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