News from our hospital partners

During lockdown our Wellbeing Manager Jo, (pictured centre) and Nicki, our Hospital Partnerships Manager, have been supporting the Butterfly Volunteer Coordinators in each hospital with weekly wellbeing zoom calls. 

These calls have offered support to the Volunteer Coordinators and enabled them to be ready to get the volunteer projects back up and running again in their hospitals as quickly as possible when Covid lockdown restrictions allow. 

Hospital volunteers

The Anne Robson Trust Team have been busy supporting the Volunteer Coordinators with refresher training for returning Butterfly Volunteers as well as training newly recruited Coordinators and their teams of volunteers.

  • James Paget University Hospitals- John, Butterfly Volunteer Coordinator for this project, continued to support just over 100 (non-Covid) end of life patients during the last year. 15 new Butterfly Volunteers were recruited just before the pandemic and are soon commencing their training. Existing Butterfly Volunteers are about to resume bedside visiting after their refresher training.
  • East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust- Pam and Emi, Butterfly Volunteer Coordinators at Ipswich and Colchester Hospitals, are preparing their existing volunteers to return to bedside visiting as well as recruiting and training a new intake of Butterfly Volunteers.
  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals welcomes Caroline, as new Butterfly Volunteer Coordinator.  22 of the existing Butterfly Volunteer team will resume bedside visits after receiving refresher training and 9 new volunteers have been recruited and are currently completing their training before joining the team.
  • Princess Alexandra Hospital welcomes Chloe as their new Butterfly Volunteer Coordinator. 12 of the existing Butterfly Volunteers are returning to support patients in June.