Keeping end of life volunteers active to support hospital visiting during Covid-19 visiting restrictions

We know that a number of hospitals in England have recently made the difficult decision to once again stop visitors to their wards, in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

Most trusts allow one or two nominated visitors to patients at the end of life.

We strongly encourage NHS Trust management to allow trained, risk assessed ‘end of life’ volunteers to continue to provide much needed support, to meet the family members when they arrive for their pre-arranged visit, accompany them to the ward, provide support during the visit (if the visitors would find that helpful) and take care of them when they leave.

Hospital entrance

Liz Pryor, CEO of The Anne Robson Trust said “It could be the last time visitors see their loved one. It’s not ok for them to leave the hospital alone. If NHS Trusts need help to set up a team of end of life volunteers – we’d love to hear from them”.