We all know that death is a natural part of our life, and something which comes to us all in the end, so why do we find it so hard to talk about it?
To mark Dying Matters Awareness Week this year, we asked John, one of our very experienced Helpline team, who support callers to our free national helpline, to share his thoughts on some ways to start a conversation about death and dying.
Here’s what John had to say…
John is one member of our Helpline team who are here for you every weekday, including Bank Holidays. People call for a variety of reasons. You may wish to talk about your own feelings and concerns about someone who is dying, or you may have received a devastating terminal diagnosis.
We’re here to listen, to let you talk and offload, and help you explore ways to adapt and cope with your situation. We can also signpost you to other organisations that might be able to provide other types of support you may find helpful.
Contact us now we’re here to listen.
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