The Anne Robson Trust has a new Hospital Partner!

We are delighted to announce that we have formed a partnership with University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) to help them set up a team of Compassionate Care Volunteers – who will provide comfort and support to patients in the last days and hours of life, and their families. In the last week of July we were very pleased to welcome Denise and Vicki from UHB to our offices for their Butterfly Volunteer Coordinator training.

Delivered by Nicki Harris, our Hospital Partnerships Manager – Day One consisted of working through all the systems and documentation that will be required to set up the new service.

hospital partners
Denise and Vicki from University Hospitals Birmingham

On Day 2 we introduced Jo Corscaden, our Wellbeing Manager, who focussed on bedside visiting, emotional wellbeing and how to inspire and support a team of volunteers. Day 2 also included sessions with current ‘end of life’ volunteers, and a discussion with Paula Kerswell who runs our Helpline, in order to gain clear insight into how our new service dovetails with the work in hospitals.

The Cromwell Hotel, near our office, did a sterling job at looking after Denise & Vicki for their overnight stay, we really enjoyed meeting them, and are excited about moving the plans on to recruitment and training of volunteers.

For more information about how to become our next hospital partner – get in touch by clicking here.